Triumph War 2099 Baixaki

Posted By admin On 14/04/18

Yep, that's the cover. This g ame holds a special place in my heart as it's one of the freeware games that I have f irst downloaded and played. Released by the now defunct (seems like it) indie developer Darksun games, TRIUMPH! WAR 2099 is a top down, squad based, 2D shooter where you fight against hordes of space bugs. This game was definitely inspired by Starship Troopers, and even one of the very few games I consider that got the whole 'Space Marines vs Space Bugs' trope sp ot on. The first level starts off with your mini space marine guy being dropped off on a battlefield where your fellow comrades are duking it o ut against the space bug horde called the 'Kratte.' Once you take control of your dude, yo u c an then issue commands to the rest of your g uys that are in the map.

Triumph War 2099Triumph War 2099 Baixaki

In addition, there are power-ups that are scattered across the stage, from giving you reinforcements to different sets of weapons. Download Doraemon Monopoly English. The first level of th is game is pretty straightforward, serving as a testing ground for players to get familiar with the controls and the aspect of issuing commands to your soldiers.

However, it's still difficult enough that you can lose this level. Game House Pc Gratis Full Version Terbaru. HARD difficulty is a totally different story, however. Make no mistake, TRIUMPH! WAR 2099 is not your typical top down shoo t ing game. The fact that you can issue commands to your squad indicates that there's some degree of strategy involved, and one of the big reasons why it's so fun to play.

While the first couple of levels can b e finished by going all 'Rambo' across the map, the rest will requ ire you think fast, and act fast. The following commands you ca n issue are: Defend, Attack, Follow, and Normal. It's pretty basic, but it gets the job done as the AI seems to pretty much follow your orders without any hitches. One of the big reasons why you're going to need to use strategy this game is because your life depends on the number of troops in the battlefield. There's a counter in the bottom part of the screen that shows the number of guys yo u have left. If you die, the counter goes down by 1, if any of your guys die it goes down by 1, and onc e it gets to zero it's game over.

In addition, enemies have power ups, too, in the form of a flower. When a bug comes into contact with this, it becomes a fat bug reminiscent to the brain bug in Starship Troopers. It takes more to kill it, and when it dies, it spawns more normal spider bugs from its carcass. More than one of these fat fuckers will be crawling in each map, so it will be crucial to get to these flowers and 'step on it.' Without teamwork between you, your pals, and the AI, you will be 100% annihil ated. Speaking of pals, there is coop in this game.

Sadly, it is only local coop. Nonetheless, playing this game with your mates is one of the most fun gaming related memories I have. You can have up to four players, and each guy your buddies use can also make orders. Though, since it's local coop, you're gonna need several USB controllers so your friends can play. If only the guy(s) over at Darksungames can come back and give this gam e an update. Depending on what difficulty you're on, a single playthroug h of this game can take a couple of hours, even more when you' re i n HARD. Each mission is varied enough that it will barely reach the point it gets repetitive.

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That one mission where your guys are stuck d efending an outpost against waves and waves of bugs is definitely the most fun part of the game that I can remember. As you issue orders to the rest of your squ ad, the enemy horde slowly tears away at your building's walls, and if you're not fast enough, you'll soon be left with you and your guys wide in the open for the slaughter. Bangla Ganasangeet. There are other fantastic moments in that game, but that one really stands out as I'm a sucker for 'hold the fort' parts in my games and movies. The visual s are pretty decent, with well crafted 2D sprites, this game st ands the test of time even after being released back in 2001. Despite having no v ariety in between your character and your dudes, resulting in confusion in some cases, and enemies being only two types - normal and fat, the variety in each level make up for it.