Serpentine Living And Dying In High Definition Rapidshare

Posted By admin On 26/04/18

Review by Woody The second album from the Serp’s features Tony Mills (Shy/TNT) on vocals for the last time and this album comes out at a transitional point for the band. A new singer has already been found in Matt Black who is of a similar age to the rest of this very young band and I predict a very bright future for this band. The Serp’s once again have recorded the album at Mad Hat studio’s in Wolverhampton.

I still love the debut album from these guys, but I found when talking about it opinions were polar opposites people either loved it like I did or hated it viciously one person even telling me “It’s not a nice album really is it!”, the music seemed to have no grey area with people. Whilst I stand by my assessment of the debut album and still regularly crank it up and sing along to “In My Blood” I have listened to people’s criticisms of it and see where people are coming from but it doesn’t change my mind. I think perhaps the album was a little too safe for some people and Mills was accused of “Sleep Walking” during the writing process of the album. I don’t think the same criticism’s can be aimed at “Living & Dying In High Definition”! Tony really pulls out all the stops in his contribution to the song writing on this new album and he has crafted some wonderfully beautiful vocal melodies. Tony’s swan song with the Serp’s definitely sees him bowing out with a bang and he adds to that by delivering a more measured vocal performance. The safe element has definitely been booted out the door as musically the band has really carved out their own sound and their influences are less obvious as previously.

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Gaz Noon has probably put in the stand out performance on this album, with his keyboard work been less “Asia” influenced and his playing sees him grow far more in his own style and his playing seems more confident. Og Gamertags Not Taken more. He has laid down some extremely memorable keyboard riffs and licks which gives a lot of power to many of these songs which just wouldn’t have shone half as much without them.

CD Reviews Serpentine - 'Living And Dying In High Definition' I don’t think the same criticism’s can be aimed at “Living & Dying In High. Will Rock Patch Windows 7 Cubase Mac Os9 Crack. Download Activated Version here. here.

That’s not meant as any disrespect to the remaining members Chris Gould (Guitars), Gareth Vanstone (Bass) & Roy Millward (Drums) who have probably done the most to carve the bands own sound out creating a thumping and crunching backbone to all the songs. This album sees the band take a heavier stance and it really suits them and that heavier stance is provided by the backbone of this band. Spot on choice for album opener “Deep Down (There’s A Price For Love)” is a driving rocker with a wicked keyboard riff from Noon. Tony’s multi layered soaring vocals are outstanding on this!