Aion 4 0 Full Client Rohan

Posted By admin On 15/04/18

By Eric Kandel (Misanthropologist) ‘s 4.0 latest major update, Dark Betrayal, has been heralded as the start of a renaissance for the aging Korean game. NCSoft reported a greater volume of Aion-related player traffic in July than at any point since its western release in 2009.

Pundits around the web have announced a “golden age” for Aion, stating that 4.0 “breathes new life” into the game. Conversely, many long-time players believe it to be on its last legs.

Aion 4 0 Full Client Rohan

Accusations of neglect at the hands of the developers and even the publisher are commonplace, accompanied by complaints about class balance, business model, and game engine performance. Such contrasting extremes of praise and scorn are standard fare for the genre, though, and a veteran gamer knows that it’s much more important to study the facts than it is to listen to regurgitated opinions. On that note, let’s get started.

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One of the most drastic alterations any MMO can make to its fundamental gameplay landscape is the addition of a new player class. With 4.0, Aion has added two: the Gunslinger and Songweaver. In most people’s eyes, player and reviewer alike, the Gunslinger is the more prominent of the two. Featuring snappy gunplay and a host of instant cast skills, this is a fast-firing glass cannon class designed to overwhelm its enemies with a barrage of bullets before they can react. Accordingly, the PvP-centric community (and make no mistake, this is a PvP-centric game) is hotly divided over the Gunslinger’s addition to the roster. The hills are alive with the cries for nerfs. Download Dolby Dma8 Plus Installation Software. Interestingly, some veteran players speculate that the Songweaver is actually the more potent of the two.

That class, however, lacks the streamlined simplicity and obvious appeal of the former. Instead of firearms, the Songweaver uses musical instruments to slay their foes. A multi-faceted supported class, the Songweaver’s capacity for burst damage is mitigated by long wind-up times and a class emphasis on team support that will keep them preoccupied in group encounters. While the Songweaver is often relegated to the role of “mana battery”, the coming months may see their role expanded as the community incorporates them into the ongoing meta. Less drastic changes to the game include facelifts for the character selection menu and character creation screens.

Aion English-Language Fansite, Aion 4.0 - PvE Gear. Aion 4.0 has just hit US shores, after much anticipation, bringing with it an entire harem of content and updates, culminating in the NCSoft MMORPG's most populated.

Aion still boasts one of the most elaborate character creators in the genre, not only ahead of its own time but even standing head and shoulders above many of its successors. Indeed, one of the main draws of the game is the amount of time and effort a player can invest into the process of making their character as unique as possible. Although the game has only two races to choose from (semi-angelic beings of varying light and darkness), an enormous range of customization exists within each of them. This is further supported by an extensive catalogue of outfits and, on top of that, personal housing. While these luxuries have no direct impact on the mechanical heart of the game, every MMO player has experienced the soul-deadening dread of spending days and weeks of precious time, grinding for experience and then grinding for gear, only to find themselves looking like an exact duplicate of every other player of a similar race or class.

The genre as a whole has begun to take steps to address this issue, but any game that’s done as much as Aion has to prevent it deserves a special tip of the hat for that alone. Touching back onto that whole “mechanical heart of the game” thing, though.