Focus T25 Stretch Workout

Posted By admin On 05/05/18

Length 25:00 Equipment Yoga Mat (or miniMat) Focus Stretching and Recovery Review We will use this Stretch workout during all 3 phases of T25. I really enjoy this one and it really targets all the muscles we have been attacking throughout the week, and leaves you feeling refreshed. Compared to some of Shaun T’s other stretching workouts, I think this one is my favorite.

Body BeastFocus T25 Stretch Workout

Focus T25 Workout Schedule provides you an easy to follow 50 day fitness calendar. We provide the complete Alpha, Beta, Gamma Focus T25 Workout Schedule. Focus T25: Alpha STRETCH Review! Since I took a ‘rest’ day on the 4th (to run a 5K and climb an indoor wall), I actually did today’s workout on a Sunday!

I find the 2 recovery workouts in Insanity to be too hard on the body, there are just too many holds and pulses for it to be a true recovery. Relief and Off-Day Stretch from Insanity Asylum Volumes 1 & 2 are better, but I feel like Stretch is the most focused, and uses the 25 minutes way more efficiently. I highly recommend, you spend the 25 minutes each week to do this workout as scheduled, because your body needs it. The Exercises Exercise #1 – Alternating Knee Holds Just alternate grabbing each knee and pulling it into your chest. Exercise #2 – Control Knee Hold Now hold the knee up until Shaun T tells you to switch for the other side. Make sure to maintain good posture throughout. Exercise #3 – Alternating Straight Leg Kick Now we alternate kicking each leg into the air, while keeping it straight.

When the leg is at the top, meet it with the fingers of the opposite hand. Exercise #4 – Calf Stretch Extend one leg slightly in front of the other and only place the heel on the ground. Bend the back leg, while keeping the front leg straight.

Bob Feat Lil Wayne Strange Clouds. Grab and hold the front toe to stretch out the calf. Switch when Shaun T tells you.

Exercise #5 – Squat + Hip Flexor (L) Do a basic squat and then extend the leg straight behind you, like a lunge but the back leg is straight. This stretches out the hip flexor. After that go back into the squat and repeat. Exercise #6 – Hip Flexor Hold (L) Now we just hold the hip flexor stretch. Sink as low as you can into the stretch.

Exercise #7 – Hip Flexor (L) + Arms Up Stay in the stretch with the arms up by your ears. Exercise #8 – Squat + Hip Flexor (R) We are doing the same sequence on the other side. Exercise #9 – Hip Flexor Hold (R) Shaun T tells you to squeeze the glute and then drop in even lower, to get the most out of the stretch. Exercise #10 – Hip Flexor (R) + Arms Up This is the hardest move in the workout for me, it really burns out my quads. Exercise #11 – Lateral Lunge (L) Stand with your feet together and then step your feet apart and go down into a lunge on the left side. Touch the inside of the foot of the bent knee with your opposite hand, and have the other arm extending behind you.

Step your feet together and come back up, before repeating. Exercise #12 – Lateral Lunge Hold (L) Now we hold down in the lateral lunge position. Cross your arms in front of your chest and rest your forehead on your hands. Make sure to keep your back flat and core tight as you hold the lunge.

Exercise #13 – Center Hold + Touch Floor Stay down and come to the center and put your palms on the floor. You can spread your legs a little further apart, but make sure they stay straight.

At the end of the hold we roll up nice and slow. Exercise # 14 – Lateral Lunge (R) Now we are doing the lunge taps on the other side. Exercise #15 – Lateral Lunge Hold (R) Now we are holding the lunge down again, with our forehead on our hands. Make sure to sit back into the heel. Exercise #16 – Center Hold + Touch Floor Go back to the center again. Exercise #17 – Cradle Knee Hug (L) Lift your leg up and grab under the outside of the foot and knee.