Store_schema Sql Script

Posted By admin On 02/07/18

SCHEMA_NAME (Transact-SQL) • • 2 minutes to read • Contributors • • • In this article THIS TOPIC APPLIES TO: SQL Server (starting with 2008) Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Data Warehouse Parallel Data Warehouse Returns the schema name associated with a schema ID. Syntax SCHEMA_NAME ( [ schema_id ] ) Arguments Term Definition schema_id The ID of the schema. Schema_id is an int.

If schema_id is not defined, SCHEMA_NAME will return the name of the default schema of the caller. Return Types sysname Returns NULL when schema_id is not a valid ID. Remarks SCHEMA_NAME returns names of system schemas and user-defined schemas. SCHEMA_NAME can be called in a select list, in a WHERE clause, and anywhere an expression is allowed. Returning the name of the default schema of the caller SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(); B.

Forum: to run store_schema.sql script on Linux-I downloaded one file (zip) from the Oracle press and saved on the Linux desktop with folder name Oracle_SQL_Book.

Store_schema Sql Script

Returning the name of a schema by using an ID SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(1); See Also.

Store_schema Sql Script

Note Statements that contain CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION but do not specify a name, are permitted for backward compatibility only. The statement does not cause an error, but does not create a schema.

CREATE SCHEMA can create a schema, the tables and views it contains, and GRANT, REVOKE, or DENY permissions on any securable in a single statement. How To Fix Hon Patch Crash. This statement must be executed as a separate batch. Objects created by the CREATE SCHEMA statement are created inside the schema that is being created.

CREATE SCHEMA transactions are atomic. If any error occurs during the execution of a CREATE SCHEMA statement, none of the specified securables are created and no permissions are granted. Securables to be created by CREATE SCHEMA can be listed in any order, except for views that reference other views. In that case, the referenced view must be created before the view that references it. Therefore, a GRANT statement can grant permission on an object before the object itself is created, or a CREATE VIEW statement can appear before the CREATE TABLE statements that create the tables referenced by the view. Also, CREATE TABLE statements can declare foreign keys to tables that are defined later in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

Note DENY and REVOKE are supported inside CREATE SCHEMA statements. DENY and REVOKE clauses will be executed in the order in which they appear in the CREATE SCHEMA statement. The principal that executes CREATE SCHEMA can specify another database principal as the owner of the schema being created. This requires additional permissions, as described in the 'Permissions' section later in this topic. The new schema is owned by one of the following database-level principals: database user, database role, or application role. On My Way Home Pentatonix Mp3. Objects created within a schema are owned by the owner of the schema, and have a NULL principal_id in sys.objects.

Ownership of schema-contained objects can be transferred to any database-level principal, but the schema owner always retains CONTROL permission on objects within the schema. Caution Beginning with SQL Server 2005, the behavior of schemas changed. As a result, code that assumes that schemas are equivalent to database users may no longer return correct results. Old catalog views, including sysobjects, should not be used in a database in which any of the following DDL statements have ever been used: CREATE SCHEMA, ALTER SCHEMA, DROP SCHEMA, CREATE USER, ALTER USER, DROP USER, CREATE ROLE, ALTER ROLE, DROP ROLE, CREATE APPROLE, ALTER APPROLE, DROP APPROLE, ALTER AUTHORIZATION. In such databases you must instead use the new catalog views. The new catalog views take into account the separation of principals and schemas that was introduced in SQL Server 2005. For more information about catalog views, see.