Atk Package V1.0.0020 Asus

Posted By admin On 06/05/18
Atk Package V1.0.0020 Asus

I have upgrated my ASUS ROG G55W laptop to WIndows 10, and ATK Package ver 1.0.0017 is installed by default. After checking some of the new stuff, I found a. More Atk Package V1.0.0020 Asus videos.

Unfortunately, ASUS hasn't provided any information on the changes in this ATK Package release (as they have for the BIOS files). If you are experiencing a problem with any of the ASUS hot keys, I would recommend giving it a try. But if you have no hot key problems, I'd hold off on applying this update. +1 Owners should be cautious about updating the ATK Package. My impression is that ATK updates generally address some specific issue, but Asus makes it almost impossible to know which updates are aimed at which models. So there's always a strong possibility that an update just includes a little patch for another model, and that it not only offers no benefit to your computer, but could potentially degrade your keyboard performance.

Update Atk Package V1.0.0020

I've picked apart a few ATK installer packages. I was kind of appalled to see how 'sloppy' that software is.

Asus apparently doesn't bother to write new versions (for new models or updates).they just layer more and more patches onto old ones. Some components in there are many years old, and they include tons of conditional components (i.e., 'if any of these devices are found, install component X.followed by lengthy lists of old legacy devices). They're very fat and wonder it's a driver that can get screwed up so easily. Bottom line: If your keyboard is already working well, don't be in a hurry to alter/update the ATK Package. I was able to get a song to start and stop playing in Windows Media Player with the Fn-down and Fn-up arrow keys.

They may work only with Windows Media Player and/or Windows Media Center. I'm not really sure. It would probably be best to find out how they are designed to work before attempting to fix them with this update. Otherwise, your testing strategy is sound. It should provide the specific function and present a screen display. EDIT: The G74SX Manual states: Use the [Fn] key in combination with the arrow keys for CD control functions.

Don Bradman Cricket 14 Pc there. I don't believe they present a display when pressed. Whats a good test of 'see if the ATK keys are working for you'? My fn+f# keys works fine with a pretty little graphic logo showing volume up, ac power in, etc.

Thats what the ATK enables right? My fn+arrow key functions don't work right. Would this fix that maybe? What used to be several different utilities are now combined under one umbrella in these 'packages.' The ATKOSD (and its '3D' version, ATKOSD2) drive all that graphical feedback you mentioned.they are just one of the components included in the ATK package.

From what I can tell (i.e., I don't see complaints about the OSDs not working), that part must be pretty stable. The package also includes drivers for models that have dedicated media keys and for models that use the arrow keys for media control. If you are having trouble with that function, the ATK driver is to blame. But I'd suggest you try a repair install of your existing ATK drivers before uninstalling and trying a whole new package. (Unless they never worked at all.then you may need a different package.) A point I didn't mention in my earlier post is that, due to the way it looks for so many other devices and their drivers during installation, the ATK package seems to be most stable when it's installed last.after all the other drivers.